About Us

To promote responsible and ethical advertising practice, acting as the conscience of society and watchdog for the consumers; whilst managing the needs and interests of the stakeholders in Nigeria’s Advertising Industry.

·      Advertising Self-regulation: Encouraging responsible practice and the acceptance of
  advertising self-regulation.
·      Professional development: refocusing professional development through world-class
  education and training for the marketing communications industry of tomorrow.
·      Industry forum: providing a forum to debate emerging professional practice/social issues and  
  their consequences in a fast-changing Nigerian environment.
·      Advocacy: speaking for and advancing the freedom of commercial speech and consumer
·      Value of advertising: promoting the critical role and benefits of advertising as the vital force
  behind all healthy economies and the foundation of diverse, independent, affordable media in an
  open society.

The mandate of APCON as provided in the Act No. 55 of 1988 as revised by Act No. 93 of 1992 include:
  • Determining who is an advertising practitioner
  • Determining the standard of knowledge and skill required to be attained by persons seeking to become registered members of the advertising profession and reviewing those standards from time to time.
  • Conducting relevant professional examinations and awarding certificates or diplomas to successful candidates
  • Securing in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the establishment and maintenance a register of persons entitled to practice advertising in Nigeria and determining acceptable standards of all advertisements exposed in mass media in Nigeria.
  • Regulating and controlling the practice of advertising in all its aspects and ramifications.
  • Performing the other functions conferred on the Council by this Act.

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